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  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Illustrated with Interactive Elements)

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    Save 10% when you buy any three books with code: LOVEBOOKS

    In Harry Potter's third year at Hogwarts, a wave of new dangers emerges. The convicted murderer, Sirius Black, has escaped Azkaban prison, and there are ominous signs that he's targeting Harry. The school is now under the watchful eye of dementors, Azkaban guards seeking Sirius. Strangely, Harry finds the dementors even more unsettling than the notorious Sirius Black or the malevolent Lord Voldemort. These spectral beings possess the dreadful ability to engulf anyone they encounter in profound loneliness and despair.

    Despite these looming threats, life at Hogwarts carries on. Harry's prowess in Quidditch, the Wizarding world's favorite sport, reaches new heights with a top-of-the-line broom. Romantic sparks fly when a charming fourth-year student catches his eye, and he forms a close bond with the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, a childhood friend of his father. However, amid the seemingly secure surroundings of Hogwarts and the efforts to ward off the dementors, the danger posed by Sirius Black intensifies.

    This complete and unabridged third installment in the beloved series promises a blend of tragic revelations, heartwarming surprises, and high-stakes magical adventures, adding humor and poignancy to Harry's journey.

    Dimensions: 9.25" x 6.25" x 2"

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